Thursday, 18 December 2008

Something old ...

I painted this when Beth was four, she was creative then and will always be I guess. I found this picture by accident and it occured to me, it is part of the thread that runs through my work - should have been a teacher!


Anonymous said...

It is breathtaking! I find that the detail in people's hands often evoke clearer memories of their nature than the more common portrait focusing on the face.

This is something you will always cherish, I'm sure. And Beth, too!

Really inspiring, Steve.

Anonymous said...

Love that - the reflection on the crayon is so realistic and makes a really novel but great focal point. Portraying crayon marks with gouache is quite ambitious but you've definitely pulled it off there! Beautiful picture. x

Ira R said...

beautiful and brings me back to the intimate moment of playing with a crayon

Anonymous said...

Wait, I thought that was gouache (my spellchecker wants to make that goulash =)AND crayon.

Is that really ALL goulash only? Then I am VERY impressed because I have no idea how you did it, Steve.

(: Pippa

Edgar Cabrera said...

i like the strong sense of light you perceive from the crayon! by the way thanks for your vote!!! It is hard to compete with these skilled artists.

Carolyn A. Pappas said...

I love how the point of view is so focused on the crayon. It reminds me of when I was a kid and I used to put my face right up to the paper when I was coloring.

Anonymous said...

okay, i'm a dork because that teared me up a bit. just reminded me so much of my little girl. the boy doesn't have patience for anything as sedentary as drawing. poor him.

Just wonderful!

andrea joseph's sketchblog said...

SO good. I, too, love th light on the crayon. Somehow, it brings it all to life.

Working on something Beth might like right at the moment (which is why I'm up at silly o'clock).

Timaree said...

You are a teacher - for your children! Perhaps the best they'll ever have.

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